It seems that, as ever, accusations of 'negative campaiging' are swirling around the Amercan election, coming to a head in last night's Presidential debate.
Despite his protestations that Obama has spent more on negative campaigning, the reality is that, as a proportion of spend,McCain's campaign has been more neagtive than Obama's. This appears to have been a big strategic miscalculation on his part.
From a personal perspective, I applaud his standing up for Obama in the face of the ludicrous accusations some of his supporters are making. At the same time, Palin's relentless 'Who is the real Obama?' rhetoric is clearly whipping up this hysteria (and we only met you 6 weeks ago - and the 'real Sarah Palin' seems to be pretty unimpressive).
Against this backdrop, I wanted to show this. Certainly the best political ad I've ever seen:
Not only is it positive (eventually), it gives lie to two of the big myths of modern advertising - that consumers have no attention span, and that, in an age of video, copy-writing is dead (subscription needed).
More of this, please.
-- Toby
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