The remix, or 'mash-up' to use more fashionable parlance, has become one of the dominant cultural forms of the web. Books have been written about it, notably Matt Mason's Pirate's Dilemma, the success of the Gorilla ads has been ascribed to it, and Faris has even invented a new name for it - 'recombinant culture'. Nice one.
But it appears not everyone's on board with this brave new world. Earler this week, mashable broke a story about Youtube muting videos due to copyright violation. You can see examples here and here.
Now, mashable have followed up the story with some excellent comments. And they're right. Where does this end? Technically, I guess, this would be muted. (The best Youtube video ever, bar none. 20 million views and counting)
Not to mention all those Guitar Hero videos. Yes, that's the same Guitar Hero phenomenon that has revitalised the sales of a load of bands languishing in the 'Where are they now?' file.
Presumably rickrolling would not have been possible either. Though this is probably no bad thing. Unless you're Rick Astley, of course, in which case you probably wouldn't have won 'Best Act Ever' at the MTV Awards last year, following a huge online campaign. (And well done for deliberately NOT cashing in on it, by the way).
Instead of just muting the videos, you could go one better if you wanted. You could scream obscenities at them, Madonna-style. Or just sue them, like Metallica did.
Or you could recognise that these people are your fans. They are publicising your music for you. Music is everywhere now, and the paths to purchase are changing (mine is, generally, lastfm to Youtube to itunes, and I'm getting on a bit as well).
I find it very hard to believe that this is damaging sales in any significant way. It may even be driving them. What it is damaging is your relationship with potentially your most influential advocates (as some of the, er, colourful comments left on Youtube indicate).
And that is definitely a bad thing.
-- Toby
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