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June 05, 2009


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Robin Grant, We Are Social

Hey Toby

Nicely done! - and it was good to discuss some of this in person when we met the other week.

Perhaps part of we we need to do (depending on the quality and interestingness of the mousetrap in question), is to get people talking about products or services by actually giving them to them to try out. As this doesn't scale very well, perhaps those people might be chosen based on how much of the target audience the conversations they go on to have have will reach, and on how much authority they have amongst that audience?

It also worth noting that 'joining the conversation' has real merit for brands when the conversations they join are ones where their customers are already publicly asking questions and discussing experiences of the brand's products and services.

Toby Roberts

Hi Robin,

You're right, of course. I don't want to come across as some irascible old reactionary - the benefits of social media for some brands is, I believe, beyond question. Ask Microsoft, or Sony, or Channel 4.

I suppose my big concern is that in the rush to look like we 'get it', we simply move from one communication model to the next without thinking through the implications. We've become obsessed with capturing consumers attention and forgotten that this is only half the job.

Martin Cole from W&K captured this beauutifully in campaign a couple of weeks ago : 'I'm all for conversations but not if everybody sounds the bloody same and ramblers on like they're my mate from the Wirral....I want my bank to kick financial ass, I want the WWF to go save something'

He's right - those are the things that do fuel conversation and that's what we need to be communicating.

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